The Continuum II Blog 1

You’ve started SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (or your son or daughter has – in which particular case, we recommend reading this together). You have a great deal of interesting times have you ahead, plus some character-building challenges too. Along with achieving the marks you want, and the extra-curricular successes too, you’re likely already thinking about what you’ll do after you graduate. You ought to be thinking about it, even though it’s four years away.

You won’t need to decide what University or College you’ll be heading to yet – or even what program you might like to study – there’s the required time for that. There is no time like the present to create a financial plan to save the amount of money you need to pursue your post-secondary dreams.

Let’s get right into the details, which means you know precisely what kind of costs you are looking at. Suppose you want to go to the University of Toronto. Burlington when you want to come home for Thanksgiving so no expensive flights to consider. 5,865 for a Bachelors Degree program in Arts & Sciences. 6,600. That’s a lot of money, and that’s just the tuition to get you into classes for 8 weeks.

20,000 for the 2013/2014 school yr. 22,600 in four years. Furthermore to getting back in the entrance way of your classrooms, you will also need books to support your learning, and the fundamentals of food & shelter if you would like to go on (or near) campuses. 15000 for food & shelter for 2013/2014. Year Just for one!

  • Savings in the account of the marital partner (so long as they’re a co-borrower)
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What does this all add up to at the very least by 2017? 60,000, and that is a complete bundle to save. That’s a completely new BMW paid in-full! Well don’t stress out at this time. Many people are in the same vessel. And certainly not everyone has the expectation that their parents can or will pay for your bill.

Studies we’ve encountered in the past actually show that the students who needed to contribute significantly with their own education expenditures outperformed academically when compared to those whose parents paid the whole amount to them. This makes perfect sense as it is logical that you’ll try harder to achieve success when you’ve worked hard for your money can buy to grab yourself there to begin with. If you need to pay some or all your post-secondary expenses, contemplate it a blessing in disguise rather than a hardship.